Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Habemus Papam!

A new Pope has been named last week. Pope Francis was chosen by his fellow bishops to lead the Roman Catholic Church.

The voting process, as tradition dictates, was held in the highest form secrecy. Unknown to many, the Vatican thought of introducing ‘voting via text votes’ for the first time in history! They backed out at the last minute because it’s like saying ‘lets give the crown to the Philippines!’

The voting process was so confidential that the bishops were reminded that they would be punished by excommunication if they spill any details of it. Unfortunately, this ‘my-lips-are-sealed’ policy also applies to the pile of sexual harassment cases that the church accumulated over the years.

As tradition dictates, a white smoke should signify that a Pope has been chosen while a black one signifies- suspense! (we will be back after the commercial break!)

This recent election of the new Pope was historical in many aspects. First Pope to come from the Jesuit order, first Pope to choose the name Francis and the first Pope to come from the Americas. So many 'firsts' or as Madonna would  put it ‘like a virgin!’

This is also the first time that the selection was broadcasted via social networking platform and as expected, it topped most of the trending topics in twitter expect for the Harlem Shake and Justin Bieber’s meltdown.

In the Philippines, the event was highly anticipated because of the rumored strong chance of our very own Bishop Tagle in the race for the papacy. Unconfirmed reports put Tagle as the first runner up! Or as we Filipinos put it- the Jessica Sanchez syndrome or pwede ding Janine Tugonon phenomenon!

It was said that inside the Sistine Chapel during the final deliberation the final candidates were made to answer one final question which goes like: ‘do you think Latin should be a prerequisite to being a Pope?’

Our very own Tagle gained applause when he confidently answered ‘It's not knowing how to speak a specific language, it’s about being able to influence and inspire other people. Thank Yeow!’

A new Pope has been named last week. Pope Francis was chosen by his fellow bishops to lead the Roman Catholic Church in an era where the institution is plagued by massive allegations of sexual abuse, diminishing believers and outdated beliefs.

Meanwhile in the Philippines, the Catholic priests are busy campaigning against RH Bill proponents so passionate that they mention it in Sunday homilies and so creative that they come up with a moniker for it  aka‘Team Patay’ and so shameless that they think they have absolute grip of the moral compass.

A new leader of the Roman Catholic Church has been named last week in Rome and he chose the name Pope Francis. In the Philppines, mid-term elections is looming and if candidates can choose their last name they would stab each other just to be an ‘Aquino’, ‘Enrile’ or ‘Binay’.